Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is 
Spiritual Companionship.
Spiritual Direction is paying 
attention to the movement of the Spirit in your life alongside the presence of a trusted guide. 
The goal of this work is to become increasingly aware of the presence of God and move towards a gracious wholeness in your relationship with the Trinity.

As a spiritual director, my “client” is your relationship with God. I believe that God is always active in a person’s ordinary life, and that everything in our lives—painful, challenging, or joyful—is raw material for our formation into the persons we are created to be. In all things, God is inviting us into an awareness of our ‘belovedness ‘and toward a loving response for the sake of the world and others.

what Do We Talk About

We talk about anything and everything related to your experience of God. Spiritual Direction is not therapy, or remedial. It is also different from coaching because it is not focused on setting measurable goals.  

We talk about struggles, pain, and areas you want to overcome. Sometimes we celebrate! We will pay attention to what it is like for you to experience or not experience God in the midst of your everyday life.

The expectation is that you come prepared to talk about what you are noticing in your soul and your current relationship with God        


In our time together…
  • I will attend deeply to your story. 
  • I will listen for any question that wants to be asked, helping you discern God’s movement in your life. 
  • I will approach our time together with reverence and humility. 
  • I will resist giving advice and will not try to fix or change you. 
  • I will hold your story in strict confidence, although I have a legal duty to report abuse and situations where there is danger to self or others. 
  • I will abide by the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct of Spiritual Directors International.

NLC Spiritual Director:  Pastor Amy

Amy is a Spiritual Director trained through SoulFormation’s School of Spiritual Direction. Over the years, she has developed a genuine curiosity for people and a deep desire to create supportive rather than prescriptive spaces. Her passion is to help Christian leaders deepen their connection with the Trinity and live in their divine belovedness.

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