Men's Breakfast
Join the Men of New Life Church for a delicious breakfast, fellowship and hear from guest speaker: Pastor Robb Hattem
New Comer's Luncheon
Are you new(ish) to New Life Church. Join our pastors and staff to a complimentary lunch and discover more about New Life Church. Lunch in on us and this is a great time for Q & A.
Hope to see you there
Hope to see you there
Women's One Day Away REatreat
Join the Women of New Life Church for our annual One Day Away Retreat. Prayer, Contemplation, Fellowship and Lunch
foursquare Discovery Intensive
The Discovery Retreat is designed to empower followers of Jesus to know, name, and live out their special calling from God.
Retreat will be held at The Sanctuary Church in Santa Clarita. Instructors: Pastors Dale and AmyCost: $325.00